Saturday, April 18, 2009

Premed Transgressions

I have been doing a terrible thing this semester. I just...can't...stop...
I should know better.
It's been effecting my sleep, taking up my time, hurting my grades. I just don't even know what to do anymore!

I've been reading leisure books.
DURING the school semester. You biomeds know, this is not acceptable. At all. All reading needs to be academic reading! I should not be wasting pressure reading neurons!
Its just so thrilling, reading without an end goal, and without taking notes. It just feels so badass.

It'll have to go though, so I can get back to my life. I'm going to get help, dont worry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009



This is my first ever blogging experience, and I'm actually still skeptical of the concept. I am unable to believe that anyone would read anything I write.
But if no one ever reads it, that'll be okay too. It's just good to put things out, "out there", into the world. I like the idea of it.

Me: I like to call myself a delusional premed. I live my life with the belief that I will get into med school, and spend a horrifying portion of my time, and thoughts, and life, dedicated to that goal. But I know, statistically, the chances of getting in. And I also know, personally, people who would've made phenomenal doctors, and never get in. But we'll see.

I'm a terrible premed today, because I had an incredibly fun weekend....biomeds are not entitled to fun weekends. Now I am having a hard time with the idea of getting back to work.

I'm headed for disaster, with finals less than 3 weeks away, and I want to go play outside

That's all for now. I promise, next time I'll say something more meaningful, and related to the supposed premed theme. Or maybe not.