Sunday, March 22, 2009



This is my first ever blogging experience, and I'm actually still skeptical of the concept. I am unable to believe that anyone would read anything I write.
But if no one ever reads it, that'll be okay too. It's just good to put things out, "out there", into the world. I like the idea of it.

Me: I like to call myself a delusional premed. I live my life with the belief that I will get into med school, and spend a horrifying portion of my time, and thoughts, and life, dedicated to that goal. But I know, statistically, the chances of getting in. And I also know, personally, people who would've made phenomenal doctors, and never get in. But we'll see.

I'm a terrible premed today, because I had an incredibly fun weekend....biomeds are not entitled to fun weekends. Now I am having a hard time with the idea of getting back to work.

I'm headed for disaster, with finals less than 3 weeks away, and I want to go play outside

That's all for now. I promise, next time I'll say something more meaningful, and related to the supposed premed theme. Or maybe not.

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